Bryan Thompson | an Arrowhead Gallery Artist

Woodworking has been an avid interest for me for over 40 years. I have always been fascinated by the beauty of wood and the ability to form items that focus that splendor for others to see.

In high school, I was fortunate to have an instructor that instilled in me the passion for woodworking. Through my teacher’s mentoring, I learned the basic skills of all types of woodworking projects; cabinetry, furniture and woodturnings. Woodturning became the type that I enjoy most. About ten years ago, as I was approaching retirement after a successful career in food distribution, I began spending more and more time refining my woodturning skills and creating my own style.

I live in Las Vegas where I’m a member of the Las Vegas Woodturners and American Association of Woodturners. My turnings have won awards in multiple states.
I love taking raw wood and creating something beautiful and amazing. Most of the items I produce are bowls, boxes, segmented bowls, and ornaments. I hope that you enjoy my finished work as much as I enjoyed making it.