Display your ART| Southern Utah Art Guild

Southern Utah Art Guild has two galleries – each one has a different purpose!
The information below will help you decide which one is right for you.

The Red Cliff Gallery hosts theme-based art shows throughout the year. We accept all mediums and experience levels from professionals to new artists. If you are a new artist (or just new to this area), Red Cliff Gallery is great place to begin your journey into the art world.

You must be a member of Southern Utah Art Guild to participate in the shows. We’re excited to be part of your journey into the local art scene. Download the current Red Cliff Gallery show Application

Arrowhead Gallery is a co-op of more experienced local artists from all mediums. Artists are juried into this fine art gallery and are required to work at the Gallery as well as pay a fee for gallery space. You must also be a member of the Southern Utah Art Guild.
Come in and talk with a member of our artist family – we look forward to meeting you. For more information, see the Arrowhead Gallery Application process

Contact | 68 E Tabernacle, St George UT 84770 | 435 849-8465 | Tuesday – Saturday 11am to 2pm